Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Downtown parking is going to get a little easier

Parking spaces in downtown Nashville can be hard to come by.  As Nashville has grown, surface parking has been gobbled up by new construction and new development has added new workers and increased tourism has brought more cars looking for parking spaces.

I seldom go downtown, except to attend First Tuesday.  When I do, I usually park in the library

1,183-space garage under construction at 505 Chruch
parking garage. On the rare occasion that I go to something else downtown I usually take Uber. To park at a parking lot off of lower Broadway can cost $20 and I can go round trip from my house by Uber for about $10.

Parking is going to get a little easier. Metro is planning to add 350 spaces to the public garage that adjoins the downtown Nashville Public Library in what is expected to be a $10 million job, according to the Nashville Business Journal. Two new levels will be added on top of the existing four-story garage.  During construction the garage will remain open. The project will take about 18 months to complete.

While I do not know the exact details of how this is funded, most public parking garages are not subsidized by tax payers and the parking revenue pays the bonds for the construction.  Read more here and here.

In addition to these new 350 parking spaces a 1,183-space garage is under construction at 505 Church Street.

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