Monday, September 07, 2015

Early Vote Surge Shows David Fox Well-Positioned for Election Day

Press Release, Nashville, Tenn. Strong turnout, during the early voting period for Nashville’s mayoral runoff election, shows a likely surge of support for David Fox heading into Election Day on Thursday.

“David and the team have knocked on over one hundred thousand doors and from what we saw in the early vote, that hard work is now paying off with a huge jump in Fox support across the county,” said Chris Turner, campaign CEO for the David Fox for Mayor campaign.

Turner said he sees massive gains in areas that are likely to go big for David Fox, as he itemized the turnout increases from the early vote in the runoff versus the early vote from the August 6th election.

Here are the top performers:

- Hermitage Library (+21.48% versus August 6th election early vote)
- Green Hills Library (+15.89%)
- Edmondson Pike Library (+15.26%)
- Bellevue Community Center (+13.05%)
- Belle Meade City Hall (+11.11%)
- Goodlettsville City Hall (+9.64%)

Each is an area the Fox team refers to as a “Fox Box” meaning that they are among David Fox’s strongest areas, areas he’ll either win or win big.

Other areas, that the Fox campaign considers to be “battlegrounds” showed much less growth, did not grow at all, or failed to deliver the same number of votes as the prior election.

- Casa Azafran Community Center (+7.88%)
- Howard Office Building (+5.36%)
- Madison Library (+0.78%)
- Southeast Community Center (-0.78%)
- Bordeaux Library (-9.4%)

“Combine these early voting results with The Tennessean poll that showed Fox up by 10 points (51% to 41%) over Barry among voters who intend to vote on Election Day, and we are feeling very good about where things are headed,” Turner said.

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