Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Gov. Winfield Dunn and Sen. Douglas Henry Team to Turnout Vote for David Fox

Gov. Winfield Dunn
Nashville, Tenn. – David Fox announced today that two of Nashville’s most beloved statesmen, former Gov. Winfield Dunn (R) and Sen. Douglas Henry (D), are on the phones reminding Nashville voters to vote for David Fox as Nashville's next Mayor.

“I could not be more pleased and thankful to have such an outstanding and bipartisan pair of Nashville leaders as Gov. Dunn and Sen. Henry helping us get out the vote. They are two of Tennessee’s finest, and I am honored to have their support.” Fox said.

“And the work they are doing is very important,” Fox said. “Our internal polls show that this race is currently a dead heat among those voters who are definitely going to vote and have already decided who to vote for.”

“But now the push is on for those who are still undecided or need a reminder to go to the polls. So I am deeply grateful to Gov. Dunn, Sen. Henry, and our thousands of supporters and volunteers in every neighborhood across the county, who are reminding their friends, families, co-workers and neighbors to vote for David Fox.”

Early voting in the mayor’s race continues through this Saturday, September 5. Election day in the mayoral run-off is Thursday, September 10.

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