Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mayor Barry's Statement on Homeless Encampment at Fort Negley and my suggestion that they "Occupy."

Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. (September 29, 2015) - Mayor Megan Barry issued the
following statement regarding Metro’s response to homeless encampments in our public parks:
“Use of police force should be a last resort to resolving the situation of an unauthorized camp and as such I don’t anticipate the need for arrests or criminal citations. The key focus of my administration is to find alternative locations for those who are camping at Fort Negley. I’m optimistic that by working with the homelessness commission, the homeless community and advocates, our Metro Parks, and the faith community, we can find a workable solution that realizes the fact that our public parks are not camp grounds, and they can’t be used as such.”

Could the Fort Negley homeless "Occupy?"

My Comment: I don't find fought with this. Use of police force should be the last resort in dealing with these poor unfortunate people.  I wouldn't want the homeless camp near my home, but can't we find some place were they can go and just be left alone?

When Occupy Nashville was camped out on the legislative plaza, they were allowed to stay there for months, until they finally gave up and went away.  They were much more of a nuisance than the homeless camping at Fort Negley. The homeless campers of Fort Negley should say they are engaging in symbolic political speech and they are part of the Occupy movement.

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