Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mayor Karl Dean and DC panel of politicians, experts agree charter schools ‘work’

CHARTING A COURSE: A panel of politicians and education experts, including Nashville Mayor Karl Dean,  expressed that charter schools play a role in helping improve education in cities around the country.

By Nicholas C. Fondacaro, Watchdog Arena, Sept. 22, 2015 -  On Tuesday, Politico Magazine held its latest installment of its “What Works” series on what state and local governments could do to improve their education systems. According to a panel of politicians and education experts who gathered in Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies, there is no question that charter schools are what work.

“Speaking for Nashville, I certainly thought that charter schools needed to be part of the mix,” said Mayor Karl Dean (D), of his city [far left in the image]. “They can change the atmosphere, they can actually change the lives of individuals by giving them a real chance.”

Dean believes in charter schools because he had done his homework. He traveled to cities and saw that the cities with thriving education systems were ones that allowed charters to flourish. He also said that charters could provide a chance for Nashville to improve in education. A better education system would allow for Nashville to have a “plus facture” for families and businesses looking to relocate. (read more)

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