Saturday, September 26, 2015

Megan Barry sworn in as mayor of Nashville

Megan Barry sworn in as mayor of Nashville

The Tennessean, by Joey Garrison, Sept. 26, 2015 - Megan Barry was sworn in Friday as Metro Nashville’s seventh mayor and the first woman to hold the top post, declaring that “today we shatter a glass ceiling” and using her first speech as mayor to call on Nashvillians for their ideas and help.

“I want to hear from you, Nashville,” Barry said repeatedly in a short, eight-minute inauguration speech dominated by a pledge to listen as well as themes from her campaign, including pitches about transit, affordable housing and public education. (link)
 I did not attend the event but watched it in double time in the above video. Mayor Barry and all members of the Council swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States "so help me God."

If you want to just see the swearing in of Barry and her comments, go to time stamp 41:26.

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