Thursday, September 03, 2015

Statement from the David Fox Campaign on Megan Barry and the Tennessee Democratic Party's Race-Baiting Ads

Press Release, Nashville, Tenn. – "Fresh on the heels of The Tennessean poll, the new series of ads from Megan Barry and her allies are just one more sad and desperate attempt to hang on to a failing campaign. They are patently false and are race-baiting of the lowest order.

"The ads that are clearly designed to incite the African-American community will only backfire on the Barry campaign. African-American voters know when they are being manipulated, and the rest of Nashville will find them disgusting.

"David Fox was an inclusive and very successful school board chairman. So much so that Megan Barry and the other members of the Metro Council unanimously voted to honor David with lavish praise when he concluded his service: 

"We call on Megan Barry to immediately condemn and repudiate these outrageous ads or accept full responsibility for them." - Chris Turner, Campaign CEO, David Fox for Mayor

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