Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sunset on the South Harpeth, September 26th.

If you like the great outdoors, if want to see Tennessee's natural beauty preserved, see beautiful waterfalls and majestic views saved for public use, and critical habitats protected, and see park lands extended, you need to support The Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation.  

Next weekend TPGF will be hosting one of the best deals I have ever seen in a fund raiser. Since the food and beverage and music and site is donated, the cost can be kept low for TPGF supporters. This would be a great deal even if the money did not go for a good cause. For a donation of $30 you get an outdoor meal served in a beautiful sitting, wine and other adult beverages, music, hay rides and fun around a bonfire.

Please join me in attending this event: 

Hosted on a beautiful farm on the South Harpeth River in Williamson County Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 3:00 PM. Program at 5:00 PM.
 ~ 1920s dairy barn
~ Hike along the South Harpeth River
~ Kayaking
~ Hayride
~ Horseback riding
~ Silent Auction
~ Music by Buckdancer’s Choice and Bevin Gregory & Gray Gordon
~ Bonfire
~ Camping

Tickets are $30 per person. Children twelve and under free. Reservations requested to Steve Walsh at (615) 545-0195 or Kim Holst For more information, visit

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