Friday, September 25, 2015

Tennessee Ranked 4th Top State for doing Business in 2015

Area Development - States that consistently rank at the top for business performance know what it takes to be successful — an attractive business environment (taxes, incentives, permitting), labor pool (cost, availability, education, skill level, training), and infrastructure/global access (transportation infrastructure, energy costs, intermodal capabilities, certified sites). When combined with a creative and proactive state economic development team, these advantages can seem irresistible to companies that are looking to locate or expand their operations. Companies want a quick, seamless startup. With an ever-widening global market, they need a well-integrated, modern transportation infrastructure to be competitive in these markets. Also, top-performing states know how to deal with tough times — something many CEOs still have in the back of their minds......

Top States For Doing Business 2015 
3.South Carolina
5.Alabama 5T.Florida
7.North Carolina

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