Saturday, September 05, 2015

UT Removes Web post on Gender-neutral Pronouns, Sort of Apologies, and Adopts New Policies.

Administrators at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville decided on Friday to remove a controversial Web post. Read Story

My comment: UT President Joe DiPietro has issued an appropriate comment that he was "deeply concerned about the attention this matter continues to receive and the harm it has had on the reputation of the University of Tennessee." Good for him.  He also has said that UT Chancellor Jimmy Cheek has instituted a new policy that will prohibit any of the schools Vice Chancellors from instituting policies without Cheek's approval. Good for him, again. While this is a good outcome so far, I still think the State Legislature should hold hearings and let UT know in no unmistakable terms that such politically correct silliness will not be tolerated and the State legislature should question if the University even needs an  Office for Diversity and Inclusion, or a Pride Center and if Donna Braquet is the kind of person who should be in a leadership position with the University. 

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