Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Who may seek either the governor's office or Corker's senate seat next election.

Rocky Top Politics has engaged in some Idle Speculation about who may seek either the governor's office or Corker's senate seat, next time those seats are up for election. Please visit that site for the commentary. Here is who they list: State Sen. Mark Green, Speaker Beth Harwell, Former ECD Commissioner Bill Hagerty, Current ECD Commissioner Randy Boyd, AFP State Director Andy Ogles, AFP State Director Andy Ogles, Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, Congressman Stephen Fincher, Senator Mark Norris, and Former State Rep. Joe Carr.

I realize AFP has a statewide organization, but I doubt it is strong enough to support a successful statewide race by Andy Ogles, although if he had sufficient funds he might could pull it off. I think he would be a long shot.

When State Rep. Joe Carr ran for Lamar Alexander's senate seat he did better than I thought he would, but I think people were voting against Alexander, not for Joe Carr. I think Joe Carr is too far outside the mainstream to be elected to statewide office. I suspect the more people know about Carr, the less they will like him.

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1 comment:

  1. Would love to see Mark Green run for this seat, that is a race I could get excited about! My PERCEPTION of Green is that he is a Reagan-style across-the-board conservative.
