Tuesday, October 06, 2015

ACU Foundation to present Award for Conservative Achievement to Rep. Diane Black at Nashville Republican Women’s Luncheon

Press Release, Washington, D.C.– American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) Chairman
Diane Black
Matt Schlapp will present the Honorable Diane Black (R-TN-6) with the 2014 ACU Conservative Achievement Award at the Nashville Republican Women’s luncheon. The luncheon will be held in Nashville, TN on Wednesday, October 14th.

The ACU Conservative Achievement Award is given to Members of Congress who receive at least an 80% ACU rating during the last year. The average ACU rating for all U.S. Representatives in the 113th Congress was 44.6%.

“As a former nurse, Diane Black is dedicated to improving the health care of all Americans through the application of conservative principles,” Schlapp said. “She is leading the fight in the House of Representatives to defund Planned Parenthood and replace Obamacare with market –based health care.  As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, Diane Black is committed to pro-growth tax reform. On a variety of issues, conservatives can count on Diane Black to be a strong voice in Congress.”

Join ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp at the luncheon:

Wednesday, October 14th Nashville, TNTime:   Registration & Coffee: 10:30 AM
            Meeting, followed by lunch: 11:00 AM
Location:  Richland Country Club, 1 Club Drive, Nashville, TN

Registration:  www.nashvillerepublicanwomen.org
For more information contact Amanda Bunning, abunning@conservative.org or 202-347-9388

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