Friday, October 02, 2015

AG: "Local Hire" amendment invalid, violates State law

by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, October 1, 2015 - Tennessee's attorney general says a charter amendment that Nashville voters approved in August to create a new local-hire rule for Metro-funded construction projects violates state law and is therefore invalid. ....perhaps delivering a major blow to Nashville Mayor Megan Barry's ability to enforce a local policy that had already faced possible nullification via state legislation backed by state Republicans. ..... Metro's local-hire amendment violates Tennessee's Contractors Licensing Act of 1994 .... prohibits counties and municipalities from imposing additional requirements on top of those imposed in the act and from discriminating against contractors licensed by the state "on the basis of the licensee's nonresidency within the county or the municipality." (link)

Follow this link to read the full opinion.

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