Friday, October 23, 2015

Appeals Court Rules In Favor Of Rep. Fleischmann In Mark Winslow Lawsuit

Mark Winslow
Mark Winslow, the member of the Tennessee Republican Executive Committee who actively works to elect Democrats while sitting on the Executive Committee of the State Republican party and Davidson County Republican Party and gets to vote on whether or not to fund Republican candidates and who has access to Republican strategies, has lost his lawsuit against against Congressman Chuck Fleischmann. In a ruling today, the Tennessee Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit brought against Congressman Chuck Fleischmann by Mark Winslow who was a former GOP chief of Staff. (link)

The controversy stems from a 2010 incident in which Fleischmann criticized his opponent Robin Smith in the Republican primary for the nomination for the 3rd Congressional District seat, for paying lavish bonuses to Winslow and other staff member when she had served as Chair of the Tennessee Republican Party. Winslow sued claiming the ad contained false and defamatory statements.

The Court ruled that the statements were not false or capable of defamatory meaning or published with actual malice, and that they took no action to induce a breach of contract or otherwise interfere with the relationship between Mr. Winslow and the Tennessee Republican Party. Winslow appealed that ruling and today, the Court of Appeals upheld that ruling.

It is a mystery to me, why the State Republican Party continues to allow Winslow a seat on the State Republican Party Executive Committee. As long as Winslow holds his position on the State Executive Committee, I am withholding contributions from the State Party. Winslow's holds a seat on the Davidson County Party by virtue of his seat on the State Executive Committee, and the County Party cannot remove him. For more on Mark Winslow and his role in helping to elect Democrats while serving on the Executive Committee of the Republican Party, follow this link.

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