Friday, October 30, 2015

Beacon Scores Major Victories in Anderson family Airbnb Case

Beacon Center press release- Today, the Davidson County Circuit Court made a crucial decision and denied Metro Nashville's motion to throw out P.J. and Rachel Anderson's case, meaning the case has merit and will move forward.

In addition, the judge also granted our motion for a preliminary injunction on behalf of P.J. and Rachel Anderson, who sued Nashville over the city's Airbnb law. This means that the Anderson family is likely to prevail on their claim that at least some of their constitutional rights are violated by Nashville’s new law.

Beacon Litigation Director Braden Boucek stated, "Today’s ruling was really encouraging and shows that Nashville's Airbnb ordinances are deeply flawed and were passed with little concern over its constitutionality. In today’s decision, the judge ruled that there was at least a “substantial probability” that the law infringes on the Andersons’ constitutional rights."

Boucek went on to note, "Despite Metro's attempt to have this case thrown out, this ruling shows that the Airbnb law has very significant legal questions surrounding it. We look forward to a final ruling on the merits, but today’s outcome shows the need for Nashville to take a fresh look at how it addresses homeowners's rights."

To read more about the Anderson's lawsuit, click here.

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