Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Former Council member Emily Evans comments on the Boston Globe AMP story

A few days ago, The Boston Globe reported on former Mayor Karl Dean's failure to get the AMP approved and blamed it primarily on the influence of American's for Prosperity which is an organization funded by the Koch brothers. Frankly, I appreciate the Koch brothers, but I think their influence in stopping the AMP, while helpful, was overstated. To read the Boston Globe report follow this link. 

This report in The Boston Globe has created considerable comment and discussion. Here are the comments of former Council member Emily Evans that were posted to  the Nashville Neighbors Google Group.

The reporter, bless his heart, was used by people that wish to exploit the narrative of dark money influence on local issues. That narrative gets Karl completely off the hook for bad planning, communication and, as Margo has pointed out, compliance with federal process. That I suspect is the point of the article.

Let us not fall for such deception. Mass transit is an important issue that deserves our time and attention. Excusing the failure of the AMP effort to Kochs or anyone else with a fat wallet means success becomes more elusive not less. 


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