Monday, October 12, 2015

Inclusionary Zoning & Affordable housing stakeholder public input meeting TODAY at 5:30

 From the Metro Planning Department:

The Planning Department is currently working with Economic & Planning Systems, which will conduct a feasibility study to identify appropriate policy direction. The feasibility study will guide the Planning Department in creating regulations and tools. The Planning Commission will make recommendations to the Council on those regulations and tools Nashville's goal in commissioning this study is to understand the practical options for structuring a locally-relevant inclusionary housing policy based on a comprehensive and detailed economic and policy analysis of inclusionary housing policy options.
The Inclusionary Housing Feasibility and Policy Study will include public input, centered on a Stakeholders Group comprised of developers, lenders and housing advocates.
The first Stakeholders Group meeting will be held on Monday, October 12 at 5:30 pm in the Sonny West Conference Center of the Howard Office Building at 700 2nd Ave South.

More information will be posted here as the study progresses.

My Comment:  This is late notice but if anyone can attend and speak against inclusionary zoning please do so. As a citizens and taxpayers of Nashville we are all stakeholders.  You can be sure that groups like NOAH, The Neighborhood Resource Center, and liberal ministers and civil rights advocates will be speaking in favor of a strict inclusionary zoning policy.  Members of the Planning Commission need to hear both sides of the issue.

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