Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mayor Barry and Will Pinkston on State Bd of Ed approves two MNPS rejected Charter Schools.

In today's Tennesseen stories of the State Board of Education approving two of the four public schools denied a charter by Metro, what happens next is explained. The local school board must now decide if they will charter the schools or if the State Board will become the authorizer. Either way the two schools will open.  The law provides that following the State approval there will be a 30-day reconciliation period.

Will Pinkston says the law permitting the State to charter schools will be legally challenged. He says if the Metro School Board will not challenge the law, "I know a group of parents and educators interested in a lawsuit."

It should be noted that Metro rejected four charter applications and the State only approved two of the four that were rejected and both of those were KIPP schools.  The State is not just automatically approving ever denied charter application.  This action by the state was the first time the board has acted to approved a charter application denied by the local school board since the law was adopted.

In response to the  actions of the State in approving the charter school applications, Mayor Barry said that while she prefers more local control over education she respects the decision by the
State Board to approve the charters.

To read the stories in The Tennessean, if you can climb their paywall, follow these link:
Barry 'respects' state board's approval of KIPP charters
KIPP Nashville wins appeal, can open 2 new schools

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