Friday, October 16, 2015

Peter Westerholm to work for Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

Peter Westerholm
Peter Westerholm was a member of the previous Metro Council and one of the few incumbent council members who lost a reelection bid.  My understanding of why he lost is that he was not responsive to citizens regarding rezoning in his district. While I do not recall the details, I also recall he attempted to rezone some property without the consent of the property owners.  One thing that gets council members beat more than anything else is how they handle zoning issues.

Well, Westerholm lost his council seat but he will still be around. The Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization announced yesterday that it had hired Westerholm to lead research and develop recommendations related to downtown Nashville parking and mobility issues.

He will evaluate parking locations, availability and pricing trends with comparisons to peer cities. His research will be used to provide recommendations and funding assistance to local governmental agencies.

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