Monday, October 19, 2015

Raul Lopez in The Tennessean

Raul Lopez
The Tennessean today published an op-ed written by Latinos for Tennessee Executive Director, Raul Lopez, on mobile internet use among Latinos.
"A 2015 Pew Research Center study found that Latinos and African Americans are three times more likely than non-Hispanics to be 'smartphone-dependent' for Internet access," Lopez says.  Click here to see the complete article.
On August 23rd, Lopez had another op-ed published in the Tennessean  that addressed some challenges Latino parents face with our current education system.  In that article, Raul discussed the need for greater educational freedom in our state as well as the measures our state legislature has taken to give students better opportunities for success.  Click here to see that complete article.

It is heartening to see the message of freedom, faith, and family presented from a Latino perspective and I commend The Tennessean for allowing this point of view space in the newspaper. Too often, Hispanics are presented as a group that is monolithic and liberal. At some date in the not too distant future, American will be a majority minority country. If conservatives can not win the hearts and minds of minorities then the future of our country is very bleak.  Raul Lopez is doing his part to reach Latino voters with the message of freedom.

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