Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Scene's Best of poll ranks A Disgruntled Republican second best political blog.

A big "thank you" to those who voted in The Nashville Scene's Best of poll who voting for A Disgruntled Republican in Nashville as the best political blog.  I picked up a copy of The Scene today, not even knowing there was a category for best political blog and found that this blog came in, in second place as the best political blog in Nashville. First place went to The Scene's own Pith in the Wind, and third place went to Post Politics. Post Politics is the blog of The Nashville Post.  Both Pith and Post Politics are written by paid bloggers and are associated with other publication. I am honored to have won second place in this category, especially since my politics is most likely considerably to the right of the average reader of  The Scene.

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1 comment:

  1. Rod, your writing is clear and informative. Your analysis is incisive and thoughtful. Congratulations on this honor!
