Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tim Skow responds to The Boston Globe's report on Mayor Dean's failure to succeed with the AMP proposal.

A few days ago, The Boston Globe reported on former Mayor Karl Dean's failure to get the AMP approved and blamed it primarily on the influence of American's for Prosperity which is an organization funded by the Krock brothers. Frankly, I appreciate the Krock brothers, but I think their influence in stopping the AMP, while helpful, was overstated. To read the Boston Globe report follow this link. 

Tim Skow, who host the influential First Tuesday Group, submitted the following letter to the editor to The Globe. I think Tim gets it about right. 

Mr. Kranish:
Sadly, most who live in Nashville will find your Boston Globe article clearly reflective of a left-leaning political agenda rather than reflective of the reality of the situation in Nashville.
At no point did your article reflect that the plan for ”AMP” was solely that of Mayor Dean. Only after his announcement of AMP, with the intent to shove it down the throats of the public, did Nashville residents become aware of the details, route, costs and other controversial impacts. Worse, Mr. Dean refused to consider options to even the most controversial aspects of the AMP plan, including running AMP in the middle lanes of the most traveled streets in the city.
Only after Mr. Dean realized he was facing staggering opposition to his AMP plan did he start reaching out for support from community entities including the Nashville Chamber of Commerce.   Sadly, your article reflects little of why Mr. Dean’s efforts to govern similar to the “Obama-Executive-Order” method miserably failed him ..... and those of us who live in Nashville.
Nashville does need and deserve a well thought out mass transit plan that addresses the concerns and needs of the greater Nashville area. But in the opinions of the majority of those who live here, pay the taxes and deal with it traffic - it was clear - Mr. Dean’s vision of AMP simply sucked !
Unlike your article would lead readers to think,  Mr. Dean is no political saint. Republican legislators and Mr. Ogles are NOT the boogey men and women you tried to make them out to be. The truth is that bastions of opposition to Mr. Dean and AMP were wide spread, very bi-partisan, grass roots oriented and spread across the entire city.
In the future, please consider more depth and honesty and much less left-leaning politics.
I trust your coming efforts at journalism will be better than your latest effort regarding Nashville.
Tim Skow

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