Friday, October 02, 2015

Will Pinkston loves a good fight. What drives his public battles with old friends, charter school ‘zealots’

By Sam Stockard, The Ledger, October 02, 2015 - Bulldog or bully. Metro School Board member Will Pinkston draws both labels as Nashville debates education issues and elects its top leaders.

Most pointedly, charter schools proponents call him everything from a “monopolist” to combative to polarizing, while supporters say he has passion for the community and education, as well as the willingness to challenge people intent on “dismantling” traditional public schools. (link)
The above is a good profile of Will Pinkston. It comments on some of his angry facebook post, his combative nature, his influence on the mayoral election, his falling out with David Fox, his potential for running for higher office, and what other important opinion makers think of him. It tells you more about Will Pinkston than you probably want to know. 

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