Friday, November 13, 2015

A Guide to Planning and Zoning in each council district.

Planning and Zoning can be really boring stuff and something you don't think about until you learn a rock quarry is going to be build near your home or a high rise is going to go up across the street from you and block your sunlight and view and pour hundreds of new commuters onto your quite residential street.

Thankfully, almost every neighborhood has someone who stays abreast of zoning and planning issues. If you do not have a neighborhood organization in your community I would suggest starting one, and appoint someone to be responsible for monitoring the agenda of the Planning Commission on a regular basis and staying abreast of zoning and planning issues.

The Planning Commission has updated their web page with a lot of new and improved information. It includes information about the Planning Department and Planning Commission, the planning and zoning process, zoning categories, development regulation, development-related boards, commissions, and agencies, and land use and zoning in each of the 35 Council districts. There is a guide for each council district called  A Guide to Planning and Zoning in District (each council district.)  Follow this link for all of the guide and to see your district click Communities and Council Districts, then click on your council district.

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