Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Are the Syrian refugees mostly women and children?

We keep hearing from those who think we ought to open our hearts and our arms to Syrian refugees, that most Syrian refugees are women and children.  President Obama recently targeted Chris Christie's concern about accepting Syrian refugees by saying he was “worried about three-year-old orphans," saying, "that doesn’t sound very tough to me.”

Are most of the refugees women and orphans? Well, we don't know, but this report from BBC News, Syrian refugees in the US explained in graphics, would indicate that that is not so. It is not specific enough to tell us how many of them are children, but it does tell us that the majority of them are male. Also this tells us the demographics of those who have come so far, not those waiting to be admitted.

Age breakdown of Syrian refugee arrivals in the US
October 2011 to present
  • 55.69% under 20 
  • 30.73% age 21 to 40 
  • 12.10% age 41 to 64 
  •  1.48% over 64
There could be a lot of men of terrorist age in these age groups. This would be more useful it the break was "under 12" or "under 16" rather than "under 20." Young men 17, 18, 19, and 20 are prime age for making good terrorist. Young men age 17, 18, 19, and 20 are not children. They make good soldiers.
 Gender breakdown of Syrian refugee arrivals in the US October 2011 to present
  • 47.05% female 
  • 52.95% male
 I think one can conclude that it is inaccurate to say most of the refugees are women and children. 

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