Friday, November 13, 2015

Caffeinated Conservatives meets Nov. 21st in Old HIckory

From Stephen Clements:

Hi everybody, This Saturday November 21st from 12 PM - 2 PM at Uncommon Grounds (1053 Donelson Ave, Old Hickory Village), come tell us who YOU like for president. We are knee-deep in presidential nomination campaigns, and on the GOP side, there is a plentiful embarrassment of candidates!

On the Democrat side, eh, well, there's an old socialist, a crony-socialist, and a governor whose state burst into flames when he left office. Come tell us who you want and try to win us over! All campaigns are invited to present the case for their candidate, so come with your thoughts and opinions about who/what you want to win the White House!
See you then!
Stephen Clements & Terry Torre Caffeinated Conservatives

PS - regular Caffeinator Rick Williams told me that the next Davidson County Donald Trump Campaign meeting will be Wednesday the 18th at 6:30 PM in the back room of the Piccadilly Cafeteria (874 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville TN 37217). Dinner is Dutch treat. Get out there and make it happen!

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