Monday, November 09, 2015

Councilman Greene Interviewed by Detectives; New Photos Released of Person Wanted for Questioning

Metro Government Press Release, Nov. 5 -West Precinct detectives late this afternoon interviewed
Greene told detectives that he followed the two men as they walked away from the Marathon market because he thought he recognized one of them as a relative.  Greene said one of the two shot at him, but did not know why.

One of the persons Greene followed from the market is believed to have been inside the store on Tuesday morning of this week wearing a blue jacket.  Two photos of that person are attached. He is wanted for questioning.  Anyone recognizing the individual is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463 or West Precinct Investigations at 615-862-7385.

Councilman Loniel Greene at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where he is in stable condition recovering from Wednesday night’s gunshot wounds.

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