Friday, November 20, 2015

Marsha Blackburn on the attacks in Paris and the possibility of similar attacks being carried out on U.S. soil.

Marsha Blackburn
by Marsha Blackburn - Our hearts are heavy over the loss of innocent lives as terror swept over Paris just one week ago. Understandably, the attacks in Paris have caused us all to be greatly concerned about the possibility of similar attacks being carried out on U.S. soil. Please know that the security of American citizens is our top priority.

With reports that one, and possibly more, of the Paris attackers posed as Syrian refugees before entering Europe we called for immediate suspension of similar resettlement efforts in the U.S. In addition to having the support of governors across the United States, just yesterday the House acted swiftly to pass H.R. 4308, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act. This legislation would require the FBI, Homeland Security Department and director of national intelligence to certify to Congress that any refugee seeking entry to the United States from Syria or Iraq is not a threat to the security of the United States. This legislation is a solid first step in strengthening our national security and protecting Americans from terrorists that pose as refugees. When we return after Thanksgiving, we will begin work on another package of legislation because more work must be done to ensure the safety of our country.

We know that Islamic State terrorists can just as easily pose as illegal aliens crossing our southern border as they can refugees fleeing a war torn country overseas. Congressional action to protect American citizens from Islamic State terrorists must acknowledge vulnerabilities in our overseas vetting process as well as our domestic security vulnerabilities. That’s why I’m working with my colleagues to temporarily suspend Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) resettlement funding for all refugees, as well as individuals not in a legitimate lawful status. Click here to learn more about the legislation I’m working on to address this issue for inclusion in an omnibus spending bill. If Congress funds ORR without such restrictions, Congress will be providing the President the funds to carry out his refugee resettlement efforts in full – both from countries overseas as well as through the resettlement of illegal aliens at the Southern border.

The President of the United States does still not understand that ISIS is not “contained” and we must kill the jihadists and destroy their networks before they kill us. Even more astonishing is just days after the attacks in Paris, President Obama transferred 5 Gitmo detainees to the United Arab Emirates. We all know that the President is trying to close down Gitmo and there have been talks that he would transfer detainees to the United States, but even the President’s own attorney general said he cannot and does not have the authority to move Gitmo detainees to the United States.

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