Monday, November 09, 2015

New conservative group formed in Tennessee.

I guess the more the merrier when it comes to having people spreading the message of conservatism but with a statewide Americans for Prosperity organization, various tea party groups, local Republican parties and all of the subsets of the party such as Republican women groups and young Republicans, and interest groups concerned with specific issues such as the Second Amendment or right-to-life or the concerns of independent business people, and every stripe of conservative group from social conservative to libertarians and even some wing nut wacko groups, I am not sure where this new group fits in. I think the right-of-center spectrum is pretty well covered in Tennessee.

Anyway, as recently reported by Post Politics, Tennesseans for Conservative Action is being formed by three people who head lobbying or campaign consulting firms: Robin Smith, Gregory Gleaves, and Mark Braden.

Robin Smith is a former head of the Tennessee Republican Party who has since joined forces with  liberal Albert Waterhouse to form the firm of SmithWaterhouse. Gregory Gleaves previously served as Chief of Staff for the Tennessee House of Representatives under Speaker Beth Harwell. He is now with the lobbying firm of Hall Strategies. Mark Braden is VP of Mercury, a bi-partisan high-stakes public strategy firm. It will be interesting to see where this new organization finds its niche. I, for one, would be hesitant to support a group heading by conservatives for hire.

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