Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Rep. Black Praises Appeals Court Ruling on President Obama’s Unconstitutional Immigration Overreach

Press Release, Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06), issued the following statement following the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to continue an injunction against the President’s 2014 amnesty plan, which would prevent the deportation of an estimated five million illegal immigrants:

“The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has dealt an important victory for law abiding immigrants and taught President Obama a much-needed civics lesson. This President is many things, but a king isn’t one of them. We are a nation of laws and, as this rebuke from the court affirms, he cannot rewrite those laws on a whim to fit his liberal agenda,” said Congressman Diane Black. “We know that immigration reform is needed, but real reform starts with securing our border, not granting backdoor amnesty to some five million people – an action that will only encourage greater illegal immigration. Throughout this process, the President’s motivations were completely transparent. This was not about achieving true reform, this was about scoring political points, as evidenced by his decision to announce his amnesty plan last year, rather than when he had unified Democratic control. With this ruling, the courts have, once again, embarrassed this Administration and rightly called out its lawlessness. Now, we must ensure this decision remains intact so that the rule of law is protected.”

Congressman Black’s home state of Tennessee is among the 26 states challenging the President’s immigration action. Black signed an amicus brief led by the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) in support of these states’ lawsuit. Black is also a co-author of the Separation of Powers Act, legislation that would prohibit the use of funds to grant deferred action or other immigration relief to individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

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