Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thank God for our Veterans

 by Ken Jakes, 

There are many men and women whose name I may not know.
But I want to proudly honor them and let their heroic record show.

That when asked to defend their Country, they each gave their all.
They gave their life and paid such a price, so freedom wouldn't fall.

To the family of each Veteran who laid down their life, may God heal.
The aching in your heart for the loss that I am sure you all must feel.

Though I may not know the name, of the loved one you have lost.
I know they preserved our freedom, and I know with a great cost.

May these words comfort you, and our Nation owes each so much.
For Veterans who would not stand down, even when times got tough.

America will always be the Land of the free, may its Flag forever wave.
Our Veterans have fought with honor,  this is the home for the Brave

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