Tuesday, November 17, 2015

TNGOP: Tennessee Democrats Show A Stunning Level of Ignorance with Latest Press Release

TN GOP press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes released the following statement after learning of the Tennessee Democratic Party's latest press release:

Tennessee Democrats show a stunning level of ignorance about the role of the states and the complex world we live in with the statement released today. Leaders can legitimately take pause about our immigration procedures in light of the fact we are still answering basic questions from the worst terrorist attack in France since World War II.

Moreover, questioning the Obama Administration's ability to handle the process of verifying the background of individuals trying to enter this country when it could not effectively roll out a healthcare website or when it labeled terrorists 'contained' just before they killed 129 innocents far from a battlefield is entirely appropriate. As the President stated, Democrats view the Paris attack as a 'setback.' We believe that is a gross understatement.

11/13 was a horrific tragedy that requires sober judgment, an examination of our military policies, and a clear-eyed strategy for dealing with the refugee crisis while ensuring our homeland is safe.

Mancini Statement on Republican Reaction to Refugees

TNDP press release, Nashville, Tenn. (November 17, 2015) – Tennessee Democratic Party Chair Mary Mancini has released the following statement to address Republican letter regarding refugees:
Governor Haslam’s letter calling for the federal government to halt placement of refugees in Tennessee is a mistake because it ignores our founding principles. It ignores that we offer hope to those fleeing from violence and tyranny. It ignores that we offer opportunity to those who will grasp it. It ignores that our strength lies in our welcoming those who seek a better life and that our power comes from generations of immigrants that came here to make a better life for their children. But it’s also a mistake because rather than reaching out to the federal government to have a substantive conversation about keeping our state safe, he and the Republicans in the State House and State Senate are offering us the same old politically-motivated, reactionary response that shows a startling lack of independent thought. It also shows that, once again, Republicans in Tennessee are more interested in playing politics than solving problems.

Haslam Releases Statement on Paris Attacks, Refugee Placement 

Tn Gov. Bill Haslam press release, Monday, November 16, 2015,  NASHVILLE - Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam today released the following statement regarding the terrorist attacks in Paris and the placement of Syrian refugees:
 As we mourn the loss of innocent life from Friday’s horrific and cowardly attacks in Paris, these terrible events have once again shown us that the threat of Islamic terrorism knows no boundaries and recognizes no borders. We as a state must do everything we can to provide Tennesseans the safe environment to live, work and raise a family that so many across the world seek. 

Since Friday the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has been in contact with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and this administration has actively shared information with our local public safety partners across Tennessee.

We are currently working to get specifics from the U.S. Department of State on the status of any Syrian refugees currently slated to come to Tennessee. While screening, acceptance and placement is legally under the authority of the federal government, they have said in the past they would be open to cooperating with receiving states. Today I’m asking the federal government to suspend placements in Tennessee until states can become more of a partner in the vetting process.

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