Thursday, December 24, 2015

After wasting $70M in TN public funds, switchgrass biofuel project to shut down

The Daily Times, By Melissa Erickson - By the end of the year, DuPont will close its biorefinery in Vonore, a facility that was built as a partnership with the state of Tennessee as part of a $70 million initiative to research and develop a biofuel industry in East Tennessee.....The state of Tennessee partnered in the biorefinery by approving the $70.5 million investment over a five-year period in 2007. That money was directed to the University of Tennessee Research Foundation, which created Genera Energy LLC to partner with DuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol in establishing the biorefinery and recruit area farmers to grow switchgrass on contract for bioenergy production.
The program was started under Governor Phil Bredesen but had continued support under Governor Haslam and bi-partisan funding support from the State legislature.

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