Friday, December 18, 2015

How Tennessee Senators and Representatives voted on the Omnibus spending bill.

Congress passed the Omnibus spending bill today by a vote in the House of  316 to 115 and five not voting. The Democrats voted in favor of the bill 166 to 18 opposed.  Republicans also voted in favor of the bill, 150 voting in favor and 95 voting in opposition. (link)

In the Senate it passed by a vote of  65 in favor and 22 opposed. Among Democrats, 37 voted in favor and six opposed. Among Republicans, 27 voted in favor, 26 voted in opposition and Senator Marco Rubio missed this important vote. (link)

The bill would fund the federal government for the remainder of fiscal year 2016 (through September 30, 2016).

In the Senate, both Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker voted in favor of the bill, disappointing this voter.  Below is the vote in the House of Representatives of Tennessee representatives.

Nay   R   Roe, Phil TN 1st
Nay   R   Duncan, John TN 2nd
Yea   R   Fleischmann, Chuck TN 3rd
Nay   R   DesJarlais, Scott TN 4th
Yea   D   Cooper, Jim TN 5th
Nay   R   Black, Diane TN 6th
Nay   R   Blackburn, Marsha TN 7th
No Vote   R   Fincher, Stephen TN 8th
Yea   D   Cohen, Steve TN 9th

For a list of how all member of the House and Senate voted, follow the above links.

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