Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Metro halts gun shows at Nashville fairgrounds

The Tennessean - In a win for gun control advocates, Metro took unprecedented action Tuesday to end the Nashville fairgrounds' 35-year tradition of holding gun shows at the city-owned property for now. ....The plan is to later adopt new safety measures and other rules for any future gun shows before deciding whether to allow the events to continue at the fairgrounds.(link

Comment: The next time someone is before the Metro Council seeking confirmation of an appointment to the Fair Board, council members who oppose the banning of gun shows at the fairgrounds should ask the appointee his position of this issue. If the appointee supports it, those council member who do not should vote against that person's confirmation. Given the makeup of the Council, the person would probably win confirmation anyway, but every confirmation does not have to be unanimous.

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  1. Given the makeup of the Council, the person would probably win confirmation anyway, but every confirmation does not have to be unanimous.

  2. The next time someone is before the Metro Council seeking confirmation of an appointment to the Fair Board, council members who oppose the banning of gun shows at the fairgrounds should ask the appointee his position of this issue

  3. it is good information. i will find out it carefully
