Saturday, December 05, 2015

What do Cocke County, Grainger County, Lauderdale County, and Davidson County all have in common ...

.... other than being Tennessee counties?  They are all counties in Tennessee where the Administrators of Elections is not certified. Most counties without a certified Administrator of Elections are lower income than Davidson and more rural. Frankly, it is a little embarrassing that Davidson County, being the county that is the state capital, the Athens of the South, and recognized in ranking after ranking as one of America's best cities, often called the "it" city, can not do better. We can and should.

To obtain certification,  administrators must complete a course of study that covers 40 election law topics and pass a  closed book, written test that can last up to three and a half hours which ask questions based on statutory requirements and range from voter registration to Election Day guidelines.  Secretary of State Tre Hargett is pushing to have all administrators of elections become certified. The fact that Davidson County's Administrator of  Elections is not certified was a source of conflict at the Election Commission back in September. (link)

Since the Election Commission is in Republican hands and the current administrator of elections owes his job due to an appointment by Beth Harwell, I think that Representative Harwell should suggest that the current Administrator of Elections become certified or resign. I also think it would be appropriate for the Metro Council to pass a memorializing resolution asking the current Administrator of Elections to become certified.

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  1. Cocke, Grainger and Lauderdale all have new Administrators which will take their certification test on Monday.

    Davidson County, however, is another story. His election commission is not requiring him to get certified which I think is crazy period, but especially since he is from the county of our state capital and on the radar more than most counties across the state.

    Shelby County Administrator retired yesterday effective December 31st. They are desperately looking for someone to fill his spot. That is one position I would definitely not want to have. Should be an interesting year.

    1. The administrators in these counties are all certified, you fool
