Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What happended at the 12-15-2015 council meeting? Not much. Fairgrounds gun show bill deferred

At 28 minutes long this is one of the shortest of council meetings I have ever watched. Nothing of importance happens. There is no controversy and everything passes or is deferred. The only thing of interest, which I thought may generate some debate, was the resolution asking the Fair board to reconsider their decision to end gun shows at the Fair ground. That resolution is deferred two meetings. Since Metro legal told the Fair board to allow the gun shows scheduled for January, this resolution can still be acted on if this issue is not resolved by then.

The only thing that makes this Council meeting worth watching is that the attractive Council member, Speaker Pro temp Karen Johnson conducts the last half of the meeting. 

To get your own copy of the agenda, agenda analysis and my commentary on the agenda follow this link. This is The Tennessean's report on the meeting: Council holds off on fairgrounds gun show debate.

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