Sunday, January 24, 2016

Alan Coverstone resigns positiion with Metro Schools

Alan Coverstone
By Andrea Zelinski, Nashville Scene - stepping down from his position next Friday....will remain here in Nashville. ...was turned down as a candidate to succeed Register as director of schools last summer,... Coverstone’s work running the district’s charter school arm has landed him in the crosshairs of Will Pinkston, a school board member who once sat on the board for a charter school but has since made it a primary position to stop “unabated” charter school growth in Nashville. (link)

My Comment: I have been impressed with Alan Coverstone and hate to see the school system lose him. I  have watched school board meetings and seen him make recommendation to the board on accepting or rejecting charter school application and seen him explain the criteria for making the recommendations.  I have always felt like he was methodical and fair in reaching his recommendations.

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  1. As a past MNPS board members, I served with Alan as he was a board member and with the position he just resigned. Our system has again lost an exceptional talent due to what appears to be ongoing internal problems with the board. In my option, Alan helped develop what may be the best rubric for recommending successful schools for our district. I regret the board never adopted that same system for all of the MNPS schools. I think we could have been light years ahead had we have used his model. He will be missed. Steve Glover

  2. First of all, it is Alan COVERSTONE. BUT, I agree wholeheartedly that we lost one of the most balanced, integral leaders in our MNPS system. I worked with Alan for almost two years and would join his team tomorrow, if there was funding a place for me to continue the innovation work we were able to accomplish. Thanks for the shout out to one of the greatest people I know.
