Thursday, January 07, 2016

The Tennessean's report: Miller kicks off District 7 school board campaign

Jackson Miller and his wife, Erica, talk with supporters after he kicked  off  his 
campaign for the District 7 school board seat at his house. The handsome old 
white-headed guy in the background is me, talking to Jackson's sister. This 
is a Tennessean photo, but since I'm in it, I am taking the liberty of posting it.
by Jason Gonzales,The Tennessean, 1-6-2016 - Introduced by his son and surrounded by. family, friends and supporters, Jackson Miller made official Tuesday his plans to run for the Nashville District 7 school board seat as a candidate that he said understands the hard route in life. ...."It's widely known that teachers have the greatest impact on student success, but we constantly burden teachers with program after program and take up time, along with mandated testing and training," he said. "They're not able to use their unique skills to have that extra time for students who need a little bit more support." (link)

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