Tuesday, January 05, 2016

TNGOP: Democrats Should Campaign on the Gun Ban They Want to Impose on Us

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - January 5, 2015 -- From the East Room of the White House, President Barack Obama announced a sweeping set of executive orders meant to restrict Americans’ access to firearms.
Following the President’s speech, Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes remarked:
Today’s announcement by the President once again lectured responsible, law-abiding Americans. It echoed his snide comments from 2008 where he talked down to concerned citizens who ‘cling to guns or religion' as if that’s a moral wrong.

Ultimately, these actions are a political play by the President that could undermine our constitutional rights. Governing solely by executive order ignores the fact the Executive Branch is supposed to enforce the law, not create it. Furthermore, it subverts the authority of Congress—the law-making branch of our federal government. These actions, supported by Democrats, show a disdain for the framework set up by our Founders. That’s inexcusable.

Instead of hiding behind the President's pen, Democrats should just campaign on the gun ban policy they want to impose on Americans. I would welcome the opportunity to debate the Democratic Party's gun restrictions. Let’s have an honest conversation and see if Tennesseans really want their 2nd Amendment rights gutted by Democrats. 
The TNGOP is circulating an online petition (associated graphic linked above) at www.GunsAreNext.com for Tennesseans to sign who believe the President is overreaching with today's executive orders. Weblink: http://tngop.org/demswantyourguns/.

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