Tuesday, February 02, 2016

2016 Bills of Interest to TN Small Business

For a list of those bills before the State legislature that the Tennessee chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business find of interes,t follow this link: 2016 Bills of Interest to TN Small Business.

I am especially pleased to see the NFIB take the position they have taken on the following bills:

The NFIB supports the bill prohibiting mandatory inclusionary zoning: SB 1636  by Haile, HB 1632 by Casada. Prohibits a local governmental unit from enacting zoning regulations that require the allocation of a percentage of existing or newly constructed private residential or commercial rental units for long-term retention as affordable or workforce housing.

The NFIB supports the bill that prohibits a local government from haveing a "local hire" requirement on construction projects, such as the recently passed Nashville amendment 3 charter amendment:  SB 1621  by Johnson, HB 1674 by Marsh. Prohibits the state or any local government from requiring a company bidding on a state or local construction project to employ individuals who reside within the jurisdiction of the state or local government. Addresses so-called “local for hire” ordinances.

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