Monday, February 01, 2016

Davidson County Election Commission chairman Ron Buchanan has resigned

A Tennessean news reporter was questioning Mr. Buchanan about the appropriateness of some Election Commission expenditures including $600 for a custom picture frame and a $125 payment to cover a dinner that Kent Wall, Administrator of Elections and Ron Buchanan, Chairman of the Election Commission, had at Sperry’s restaurant in Belle Meade. Mr. Buchanan did not like the way the reporter was asking the questions or did not like the questions and called the reporter a "bitch."  He was unapologetic, defended the expenditures as appropriate and announced he was resigning his position.

Nashville election chairman calls TV reporter 'b----,' quits

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1 comment:

  1. Alanna Autler works for WSMV; not the Tennessean. Watching the unedited version of the interview, Alanna was intent on stirring a controversy that was not there primarily over $725 of expenditures that Mr. Buchanan had explained several times over. If a governing body approved the expenditures then why make such an issue of it? Never mind the few hundreds that might be wasted when other government entities dole out millions for some worthless initiatives!! This is like poking a bear until he lashes out and then blaming the bear! Ms. Autler has no journalistic integrity; she's a dung-stirring instigator out to make a name for herself and nothing more!!!
