Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Congratulations Renato Soto

Renato Soto
by Joel Ebert, The Tennessean, February 3, 2016 - House Republicans aren’t the only ones who have questions about a resolution honoring Renata Soto, the founder of the Casa Azafrán Community Center. The resolution, which the House approved last week with a 66-10 vote, was pulled from the Senate’s calendar on Wednesday, at the request of Republican Majority Leader Mark Norris.

“I had a member who had questions about (the National Council of) La Raza,” Norris said after the floor session. (link)

National Council of La Raza  From Groupsnoop -  Introduction

The National Council of La Raza (“La Raza”) is a left-of-center Hispanic group that opposes many American immigration laws. La Raza describes itself as a civic-minded Hispanic advocacy group. Critics complain La Raza supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. La Raza believes that Hispanics in America are victims of terrible racism.[1] La Raza opposes English-only laws.[2] Critics contend that La Raza (literally translated “the race”) is part of a larger movement that seeks to extinguish United States borders and control much of the American west as the rightful owners of that land.

History and Mission ....(link)

National Council of La Raza From Wikipedia - The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is America's largest Latino advocacy organization. It advocates in favor of progressive immigration reform policies, including a path to citizenship and reduced deportations. 

Founded in 1968, NCLR is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has regional offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Phoenix, and San Antonio.[4] NCLR has historically received three-quarters of its funding from private sources, including individuals and corporations, and one-quarter of its funding from the federal government.[5] (link)

Below is a copy of the resolution that honors Ms Soto:

HJR0506 007924 - 1 -  
By Clemmons 
A RESOLUTION to honor and commend Renata Soto of Nashville on being named Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Council of La Raza. 

WHEREAS, it is fitting that the members of this General Assembly should salute those citizens who, through their extraordinary efforts , have distinguished themselves as community leaders of whom we can all be proud; and 

WHEREAS, one such noteworthy person is Renata Soto of Nashville , who was recently named Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Council of La Raza, the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States; and 

WHEREAS, the first Central American and the first Tennessean to serve in this important leadership role, Ms. Soto , a native of Costa Rica, is the co - founder and executive director of Conexión Américas and has built a reputation as a fierce advocate for Latinos and their families and a valuable asset for the entire Nashville community; and 

WHEREAS, under Ms. Soto’s dynamic leadership, Conexión Américas promotes the social, economic, and civic integration of Hispanic families into the Tennessee community, drawing national recognition and acclaim that led to a visit by President Barack Obama in 2014 to host a town - hall meeting; and 

WHEREAS, Ms. Soto played an integral role as Metro Nashville Public Schools joined in partnership with Conexión Américas to open a pre- kindergarten program, the Casa Azafrán Early Learning Center, at the Casa Azafrán Community Center . This new program not only helped ease long waiting lists, but also strengthened services for students from non - English - speaking backgrounds, who make up to a quarter of all Metro students; and 

WHEREAS, no stranger to awards and accolades, Ms. Soto was named the 2013 Nashvillian of the Year by the Nashville Scene, selected as a Woman of Influence by the the Nashville Business Journal in Nashville Business Journal in 2008, and inducted into the YWCA Academy of Women of Achievement in 2012; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Soto is most grateful for the love and companionship she shares with her husband , Pete Wooten, and their two children, Gabriel and Camila ; and her husband , Pete Wooten, and their two children, Gabriel and Camila ; and 

WHEREAS, the members of this General Assembly find it appropriate to acknowledge and applaud Ms. Soto for her dedication to her community and its citizens; now, therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED NINTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE SENATE CONCURRING, that we hereby honor and commend Renata Soto upon being named Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Council of La Raza and extend to her our best wishes for every future success. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an appropriate copy of this resolution be prepared for presentation with this final clause omitted from such copy. 

My Comment: Just go ahead and give it to her. While La Raza is a liberal lobbying group, Connexion Americas does some good deeds. We don't have to agree with the La Raz position on open borders to pass this little polite congratulatory resolution. Anyway Renato Sota is a nice person. I know she is a liberal, but she means well.  This is one of those little social niceties that don't amount to much. It is simple civility. Someday liberals might be in charge and conservatives might want to give an award to someone who got appointed to the board of Eagle Forum or the National Association of Independent Businessmen or who became a scholar with The Cato Institute. It would be petty for a State legislature with liberals in the majority to reject such a resolution. It is OK to delay the resolution and get some questions answered about La Raz, but now the Senate needs to go ahead and approve this.  I can congratulate someone on their success, even if I do not agree with the position they take on every issue. Congratulations Renato Soto.   

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