Thursday, February 11, 2016

Congratulations Tommy Vallejos

Tommy Vallejos
Nashville, Tennessee, Press Release - Today, the Tennessee House honored Clarksville, TN County Commissioner Tommy Vallejos, a gang-member turned U.S. Army Gulf War Veteran and now Pastor, for his contributions to the local community, including his leadership as the Chairman of Latinos for Tennessee, a local non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility to the Latino community in Tennessee.

The House Joint resolution was approved unanimously and sponsored by Rep. Glen Casada (R-Nashville), Speaker of the House Beth Harwell (R-Nashville), Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Nashville) and Rep. Bryan Terry (R-Nashville).

Upon news of County Commissioner Tommy Vallejos' recognition in the Tennessee House of Representatives, Raul Lopez, Executive Director of Latinos for Tennessee issued the following statement:

"Tommy's recognition by the Tennessee House was years in the making. His selfless devotion to the principles that have made this country strong is an example to us all. Tommy's story is also one of second chances. After living a life of crime in his native New Mexico, Tommy went on to serve our country honorably, risking his life to protect our liberties." Lopez went on to add: "Today, Latinos for Tennessee is blessed to call him a fellow board member and fortunate to have him join our group in taking the message of freedom to the growing Latino population in Tennessee."

In part, the resolution reads:

WHEREAS, honoring his commitment to stopping gang violence, Mr. Vallejos travels around the country teaching gang awareness classes to schools, communities, and churches; he also counsels and mentors former gang members to help them become productive members of society. He preaches the Gospel to prison inmates, providing hope and restoration where there is little.
The complete text of the resolution can be found here:

For more information about Latinos for Tennessee, please visit our site:

My Comment: Congratulations Mr. Tommy Vallejos. I am pleased that no Democrats objected to this resolution and tried to kill it. They could not have killed it, since there are so few Democrats in the State legislature they can caucus in a VW van and they can't stop anything, but they could have kept it from passing unanimously. Democrats could have objected because while Latinos for Tennessee is non-partisan, they are aligned with Republican values of limited government, free enterprise, pro-life, educational reform, and respect for faith and family values. Democrats would have had as much cause to oppose honoring Tommy Vallejos as Republicans did to oppose Renato Soto. Did Democrats show more class? (For more see this link.)

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