Friday, February 12, 2016

Re-elect George Rooker as Nashville property assessor

Since I will be voting in the Republican primary, I will not be able to vote to reelect George Rooker for Assessor of Property, but if I were voting in the Democrat primary, I would be voting for George Rooker. Below is a link to a Tennessean editorial endorsing Mr. Rooker and some excerpts from that editorial. If you are voting in the Democrat primary I encourage you to support Mr. Rooker.

..The most significant race on the ballot, as it concerns local residents’ quality of life and personal finances, will be that of Nashville-Davidson County property assessor. ...the assessor’s office will manage next year’s quadrennial mass reappraisal of properties in Nashville, which will determine the county tax rate and could have the effect of considerably increasing many property owners’ tax bills. ....Rooker, who is in his second four-year term in office, has worked in the property assessor’s office for more than 30 years, ...has worked to increase the number of top-certified appraisers in his award-winning office from 11 to 40 and improved the office’s professionalism, diversity and customer service. ....the assessor’s race will be tied to the politics of affordable housing, but the job is not a political one. It is about delivering a fair assessment. ...the reappraisal process is a complex one that will require in-house expertise to conduct it effectively and manage the thousands of appeals that will likely come as a result of people contesting the market assessment. (link)
For the reasons explained in the Tennessean article excerpted below, Ms Willhoit actually has a good shot at defeating the much more qualified George Rooker.
Wilhoite’s chances to win would likely benefit from a high turnout in Nashville’s predominantly African-American neighborhoods, where her name recognition is strongest. She could also get a boost if some conservative voters who back Rooker decide to vote in the Republican primary because of its more competitive presidential race in Tennessee. (link)
To view the Tennessean interview with the two candidates follow these links: George Rooker, Vivian Wilhoite

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