Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rep. Tim Scott, Sen. Rick Santorum, Rep. Peter King, Sen. Jeff Flake, Rep. Trey Gowdy, Sen Jim Inhofe endorse Marco Rubio

Tim Scott
Sen. Tim Scott endorses Marco Rubio for president - …"2016 may be the important election," Scott says in the video. "I'm putting my confidence and my trust in Marco Rubio." 
Rick Santorum
 Santorum Endorses Rubio “He’s a tremendously gifted young man,” he said of the Florida senator. “I just feel a lot of confidence that he is the new generation and someone that can bring this country together.” 

Rep. Peter King endorses Republican Marco Rubio for ..rejecting “He’s a tremendously gifted young man,” he said of the Florida senator. “I just feel a lot of confidence that he is the new generation and someone that can bring this country together.”
Peter King
Republican front-runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz because "Republicans can't afford to forfeit this race to Hillary Clinton by nominating the wrong candidate."

Sen. Jeff Flake Endorses Marco Rubio "I’m
Jeff Flake
supporting Marco Rubio for president because he has the ideas, the principles, and the toughness necessary to bring reform to Washington," 

Trey Gowdy officially endorses Marco Rubio - … "It's not my job to tell you who to vote for, but I
Trey Gowdy
am going to tell you who I am going to vote for. And I'm gonna tell you why. I'm going to vote for Marco Rubio,"

Bobby Jindal

Marco Rubio Endorsed by Bobby Jindal in 2016 Election …“Marco can unify our party,” Jindal said on Fox News Friday. “I think he’s a principled conservative. I think he’s the right guy.”

Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe Endorses Rubio - Calling Rubio "a
Jim Inhofe
solid conservative," Inhofe added, "Marco and I have shared, similar values, such as working for a smaller federal government and putting an end to wasteful spending. At the same time, we both recognize the need for the United States to be a global leader and that it requires a well-supported, world-class military that can safely and effectively answer when called upon."

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