Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bellevue Republican Breakfast Club to meet April 2nd. Guest, Michael Patrick Leahy.

From Betty Hood:

Dear BRBC Friends,

Our monthly breakfast club will be meeting Saturday, April 2 at 8 AM at the Shoney’s on Hwy 70. Michael Patrick Leahy, a Breitbart News Contributor and author of Covenant of Liberty: The Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement.

Our guest speaker will be

A native of upstate New York, Leahy is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard University and has an MBA from Stanford University.  He has proudly been a resident of state income-tax-free Tennessee since 1991.

Leahy is best known for the key role he played in launching the Tea Party Movement in 2009. As founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter, and the associated well known #tcot hashtag, Leahy organized and hosted the conference call that launched the movement on February 20, 2009.

In Tennessee he is known for his role as the founder and leader of the BEAT LAMAR project, an independent SuperPAC that endorsed Joe Carr and conducted an independent door to door canvassing effort to support his candidacy. He is a frequent guest on Ralph Bristol's Nashville Morning News on 99.7 FM WWTN and occasionally guest hosts on that station for Dan Mandis and Michael DelGiorno. A top investigative journalist, Leahy proved that there is no credible evidence to support Sen. Elizabeth Warren's false claim that she has Native American ancestry. He also proved that liberal actor Ben Affleck has at least 14 slave holding ancestors, a fact Affleck and PBS host Henry Gates tried to conceal from the public.

Hope you will plan to be with us to hear Michael. See you soon!


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