Thursday, March 03, 2016

Former State representative Stacey Campfield channeled his inner Donald,

Former State representative Stacey Campfield channeled his inner Donald to post to Facebook his thoughts on the upcoming Republican National Convention. 

Let me tell you, I'm going to post about the Republican convention. And it's going to be a great post. Its going to be a great big beautiful post. People love my facebook posts. I have people coming up to me all the time,  many many people saying, "That's a great status" and they are right because I know how to post a great status. I have been posting statuses all my life and no one can post a status as great as I can. When I post about the convention people are going to say, "That is a great post, he really knows how to post about the Republican convention." No one will be able to post about the convention as big or as great as I can. People may try but they are losers. They won't be able to post about the convention like I can because they've never created a great post in their life. Believe me, all right. People may yell and scream about their posts but they are just posting for their special interest friends. Those guys are losers; I am a winner. I don't have to listen to them because I am self funding my own way to the convention. When I post about the Republican convention it will be so huge.  I will make the Democrats pay for it. But rest assured, it's going to be a great big beautiful post and we are going to start winning again. OK?

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