Sunday, March 06, 2016

Tennessee must concentrate resources on most violent offenders, Kelsey says

Senator Brian Kelsey
By Michael Collins of The Commercial Appeal,  NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. - Tennessee and other states with limited resources to fight crime must make sure they are concentrating their efforts on the most violent offenders, state Sen. Brian Kelsey told a gathering of conservative leaders Saturday.

"Those are people who are committing murders, burglaries and robberies — those are the people we need to be focused on," he said. Kelsey, chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee, was one of the members of a panel on criminal justice reform at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, an annual gathering of conservative activists and elected leaders meeting just outside Washington.

....40 percent of the state's prison inmates are people incarcerated for violating their probation and parole. ....offenders convicted of aggravated burglary serve just 30 percent of their sentence....(link)

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