Thursday, March 03, 2016

TNGOP Releases Preliminary Congressional Delegate Allocations -- Districts 1-7

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.-March 3, 2016--The Tennessee Republican Party has released the preliminary congressional delegate allocations for Tennessee. Congressional Districts 1 - 7 based on the unofficial results of the 2016 Presidential Preference Primary. Please note these are based on results that are not officially certified. Tennessee is responsible for awarding 58 total delegates to the candidates who crossed the 20% threshold at either the statewide or congressional level in the state.

At-Large Delegates (Previously Released)
Donald J. Trump: 15
Ted Cruz: 10
Marco Rubio: 6

Congressional District 1 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

 Congressional District 2
Donald J. Trump: 2
Marco Rubio: 1

Congressional District 3
Donald J. Trump: 2
Marco Rubio: 1

Congressional District 4
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 5
Donald J. Trump: 2
Marco Rubio: 1

Congressional District 6
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 7 
 Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 8 TBD

Congressional District 9 TBD

Combined Delegate Totals (Will Be Updated):
Donald J. Trump: 29
Ted Cruz: 14
Marco Rubio: 9

**To reiterate, we are still awaiting tallies from selected counties and precincts. These are preliminary numbers. These totals will be updated as final results come in.**

Quick facts about Tennessee's Presidential Primary -
2008 GOP Turnout: 553,005
2012 GOP Turnout: 554,573
2016 GOP Early Vote Turnout: 257,209 (+62% higher than 2012 EV)
2016 GOP Total Turnout: 854,792* (+300,219 more voters than 2012 GOP Turnout)

Previous Delegate Allocations:
Huckabee 25
McCain 19
 Romney 8

Santorum 29
Romney 17
Gingrich 9

*-Denotes unofficial results.

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1 comment:

  1. Based on 2008 and 2012 results, what you are saying is the #2 delegate count is the eventual party nominee? McCain, Romney, Cruz ?
